Opening Hours: Mon - Sat 7:00am - 5:00pm

Landfill Gas to Energy

Our services were contracted to develop a landfill gas project to produce renewable gas fuel. This project will significantly reduce the emission of greenhouse gases; improve the air quality of the region and at the same time comply with federal and local environmental requirements.

  • Thorough understanding of operational and regulatory requirements affecting solid waste landfills which must be accommodated in the development of a landfill gas-to-energy project.
  • Ability to identify, optimize and adapt one or more energy use technologies to the specific needs of end-use energy customers so as to provide economic advantages to both the customer or customers and to the energy project — perhaps the most difficult feat to accomplish in an energy development project.
  • Capability to work effectively with both regulatory permitting agencies and equipment vendors in finding technical approaches for equipment selection and implementation that will allow issuance of permits needed to meet both project needs and regulatory requirements.

Understanding the requirements to qualify for and to realize economic value from available voluntary carbon emission reduction and other emission reduction credits associated with biomass-fueled projects, such as landfill gas, digester gas and biosolids conversion; maintaining strong working relationships with some of world’s most experienced brokerage organizations for carbon and other emission reduction credits to realize maximum economic value from the marketing of such credits.


PO Box 582
Vega Baja, Puerto Rico