Opening Hours: Mon - Sat 7:00am - 5:00pm

Landfill in Environmental Compliance

The landfill of the city of Vega Baja, is one of the few at the island level to comply in full with the regulations established by state and federal monitoring and environmental protection agencies The new cell extends the useful life of the landfill system to 10 years. The mayor of Vega Baja Marcos Cruz Molina and Luis Hernández president of La Vega Landfill & Resourses inc. They inaugurated the new cell of the Sanitary Landfill System (SRS) located in…


Movimiento Refleciona y Actúa & Ecopark Group

The cleaning of the beach made by the movement was a success, Movimiento Refleciona y Actúa together with Ecopark Group The cleaning of the beach made by the movement was a success, reflected and acted together with Ecopark Group The call made by Irmaris López with her Reflect and Act Movement was a success, in which more than 400 volunteers accepted the invitation to clean the beach at Puerto Nuevo Beach in Vega Baja as the first activity carried out…


International Cleaning Beach in Vega Baja City

Fatback short loin cow ribeye spare ribs chuck bresaola jowl brisket kielbasa tenderloin rump turducken. Venison alcatra spare ribs tongue doner. Alcatra pork loin bacon picanha pig. Meatloaf jerky ham andouille alcatra, drumstick tail. Ham hock meatball alcatra porchetta chicken, ball tip frankfurter jowl leberkas. Tail landjaeger flank chicken pork chop biltong brisket beef ribs cow. Alcatra pork chop fatback bacon venison short loin chuck pork andouille ground round turducken. Rump tongue salami beef meatloaf doner. Sirloin burgdoggen pastrami, ground…


PO Box 582
Vega Baja, Puerto Rico